AMSAT-India participated in Somaiya Space Conclave 2020

AMSAT-India at Somaiya Space Conclave 2020Somaiya Space Conclave 2020 was organised by KJ Somaiya Institute of Engineering and Information Technology – Mumbai, India on Friday, February 28, 2020.

Rajesh Vagadia VU2EXP reports:

It was a full day event covering topics related to Students Satellite program, Amateur Satellites, PS4 Orbiting Platform program, Design & Development of Nano Satellites etc.
AMSAT-INDIA was invited along with prominent speakers from ISRO & Satellite industries.

Myself Rajesh Vagadia VU2EXP, (Regional Coordinator for West India Zone) represented AMSAT-INDIA. I did introduced AMSAT-INDIA & it’s activities, along with Amateur Satellite Development scenario in India. I talked on HAMSAT, AISAT, role of ITU (API Submission), IARU (frequency allocation) etc procedure in brief for students satellite program. Some highlights were given on Satellite Ground station / Amateur Club station requirement. At last gave info on ARISS program & gave live Demo of SSTV over VHF which turnout as fun for all.

More than 60 curious Students including few budding team for Satellite program participated from different institutions and gained knowledge on various topics. Students from IIT Bombay shared their sensible experience on their Pratham satellite.

I am thankful to our AMSAT-INDIA Secretary Nitin Muttin VU3TYG for all technical support & Coordinating with organisers. I also thanks to Dr. Umesh Shinde, Mr. Rohit Bokade, Supriya Bhide, Siddharth & whole volunteer team for great cooperation & support.

It was remarkable event for all of us to gain & share knowledge, meet & discuss on single subject SATELLITES!

thanks & 73

Rajesh P. Vagadia VU2EXP
Regional Coordinator
West India Zone

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Project for school QO-100 amateur radio stations

Es'hail-2 Qatar-OSCAR-100DARC reports on a Practical Seminar about the amateur radio QO-100 geostationary satellite transponders. Part of seminar fees goes to the “School stations on QO-100” project.

A translation of the DARC post reads:

Top-class seminar in the DARC office in Baunatal: On February 28, experts from AMSAT-DL e.V. gave around 40 people a detailed insight into the possibilities offered by the QO-100 amateur radio transponders on the geostationary satellite Es’hail-2.

AMSAT-DL President Peter Gülzow, DB2OS, started with a keynote speech. Workshops with four lecturers dealt with different operating modes, different hardware concepts and readily available software solutions for the PC.

Part of the attendance fee will go to the joint project of DARC and AMSAT-DL “School stations on QO-100”. Together they want to equip ten schools that already have a training call sign with a complete reception system for the narrowband transponder.

DARC and AMSAT-DL want to motivate more young people for amateur radio through the possibilities that QO-100 offers.

Source DARC

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Ham radio QFH satellite antennas built at workshop

Participants built QFH antennas at the ORARI workshop

Participants built QFH antennas at the ORARI workshop

Radio amateurs built Quadrifilar Helicoidal (QFH) satellite antennas at a workshop in Indonesia organised by a local branch of the national amateur radio society ORARI.

A translation of the ORARI website report reads:

On Saturday, February 22, 2020, South Jakarta Local ORARI Jakarta held a Homebase Antenna Workshop for LAPAN-A2 / LAPAN-ORARI (IO-86) Satellite Communications. The workshop was held at the Local ORARI Club Station in South Jakarta, with guest speaker Suryono Adisoemarta (Yono / YD0NXX).

The agenda of this workshop consists of theory and practice. Theoretical material includes the introduction of amateur radio satellites in general, the introduction of LAPAN-A2 / LAPAN-ORARI (IO-86) satellites and satellite tracking techniques. Whereas practical material includes making a Quadrifilar Helicoidal (QFH) antenna and communication with the LAPAN-A2 / LAPAN-ORARI (IO-86) satellite.

The workshop was opened at 9:20 by Irsan YC0OST as Deputy Chair of South Jakarta Local ORARI. After opening, the program continued with the giving of theories about amateur radio satellites. In addition to the IO-86 satellite, there are also other amateur radio satellites that can be used such as AO-7 as the longest-running amateur radio satellite, AO-91, AO-95 and QO-100 which is a geostationary amateur radio satellite.

After the theoretical material was finished around 11:30, the program continued with the practice material for making QFH antennas. The materials for making the antenna provided by the committee included copper capillary pipes, 1 1/4 PVC PVC pipe, RG-58 cable, BNC connector and paper clips. Meanwhile, the equipment for making antennas was carried by each participant, such as solder, scissors, pliers, drill, and others. The atmosphere became even more exciting, because in making this QFH antenna there were separate challenges, especially in the RG-58 cable connection to the antenna element.

At 14:00, LAPAN provided a dedicated Voice Repeater slot on the IO-86 satellite for workshop participants to try out the antenna they made. But because the antenna is quite complicated, there is no antenna that can be tried on the Voice Repeater schedule. Mahesa Rani YD0OVE’s antenna was first tried on the regular Voice Repeater schedule. The results are quite satisfying. With her capital Handy Transceiver (HT) and a hand-held QFH antenna, YD0OVE successfully received 14 amateur radio stations.

In this workshop, several guests were present including the President of AMSAT-ID Hakim YB0AN, Chair of the Central Jakarta Local ORARI Edy YCØEDY, and the South Jakarta Local ORARI DPP Beben YB0HJW and Fahlifi YF0BRR.

Source ORARI

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Ofcom consultation on EMF compliance

Ofcom is holding a public consultation on proposed measures to require all those with transmitting equipment capable of generating more than 10 watts EIRP to demonstrate compliance with international guidelines for limiting exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF).

An assessment would have to be carried out every time a change was made to an antenna or equipment. It appears the assessment would have to be based on the total EMF level that could theoretically be generated if all the transmitting equipment at a location is running maximum permitted power simultaneously.

In their document – Proposed measures to require compliance with international guidelines for limiting exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) – Ofcom say:

We are proposing to include a specific condition in Wireless Telegraphy Act licences requiring licensees to comply with the relevant levels from the ICNIRP Guidelines. This condition would apply to all equipment which can transmit at powers above 10 Watts [EIRP].

Ofcom may, from time to time, conduct EMF compliance checks and audits. Licensees, installers and users should therefore be in a position to explain the steps they took to ensure compliance with the basic restrictions for general public exposure and provide records demonstrating their compliance. To this end, they should have appropriate processes in place that will enable them to:
a) Identify the measurements, tests, calculations or other procedures they have carried out.
b) Explain why they considered those procedures were appropriate.
c) Provide evidence that a site is compliant with the basic restrictions, including by providing, where appropriate, test measurements, calculation results and/or certificates of compliance.
d) Explain how they ensure they continue to comply with the basic restrictions, including (i) when they modify radio equipment or a site; (ii) where for any other reason the power anticipated to be transmitted from the site has increased above that originally assumed; and (iii) when they become aware that a site may not be complying with the basic restrictions.
e) Explain what measures are in place to ensure members of the public cannot unknowingly enter areas close to antennas where exposure may exceed the basic restrictions.

Responses to this consultation must be made by May 15, 2020.

Download the Consultation document PDF and the response form at

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AMSAT Files Comments Opposing Deletion of 3.4 GHz Band

FCC SealAMSAT has filed comments on the Federal Communications Commission’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking which proposes to delete the 3.3 – 3.5 GHz (9 cm) amateur band, including the 3.40 – 3.41 GHz amateur satellite service allocation.

In the comments, AMSAT opposes the deletion of this allocation and emphasizes the necessity of adequate microwave spectrum for future amateur satellite projects, including AMSAT’s GOLF program and the Lunar Gateway.

AMSAT further notes that the most desirable allocations for use as uplinks are the allocations between 2.4 and 5.67 GHz. These allocations total 80 MHz. The most desirable allocation for downlink use is the 10.45 – 10.50 GHz allocation, totaling 50 MHz.

As many of the proposed uses include amateur television and high-speed data transmission with satellites in high earth orbit or lunar orbit, these allocations may quickly become inadequate. AMSAT also notes that the 2.4 and 5.67 GHz allocations are widely used for ISM and consumer devices, such as WiFi and Bluetooth-enabled devices. The 3.4 GHz allocation is shared between amateur use and other non-federal and federal licensees, but is free from the unpredictable interference of consumer devices.

While acknowledging that the 3.4 GHz amateur satellite service allocation is not currently used by any amateur satellites and that it is unsuitable for worldwide communication since it is not available in ITU Region 1, AMSAT identifies a number of potential future uses for the band as worldwide usage of the other available allocations increases. These potential uses include a future amateur satellite in geostationary orbit above the Americas.

In the comments, AMSAT also noted several non-amateur satellite uses of the broader 3.3 – 3.5 GHz amateur service allocation, including its wide use in mesh networking, EME communications, and contesting.

The full text of the comments as filed can be downloaded at

Interested parties may file reply comments on or before March 22, 2020 at
The proceeding is WT Docket No. 19-348.

Source AMSAT News Service (ANS)

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